25 November 2010

Warhol's philosophy...

La La Love You

I strongly suggest that you head over to this site here, hand over your email address and download the Pixies Live Album, FOR FREE no less, because it's utterly fantastic...

<img src = "http://www.seeklogo.com/images/P/Pixies-logo-BB449D70B1-seeklogo.com.gif">

21 November 2010

This Is Tomorrow

Went to the Whitechapel Gallery in... er... Whitechapel today for the This Is Tomorrow exhibition. It was a lot smaller than I anticipated but still interesting, and it was free to get in so can't complain!

20 November 2010

This Is Tomorrow

Went to the Whitechapel Gallery in... er... Whitechapel today for the This Is Tomorrow exhibition. It was a lot smaller than I anticipated but still interesting, and it was free to get in so can't complain!


16 November 2010

First frost

Nearly slipped down my icy steps taking this damn photo. Jack frost + cast iron stairs does not make for a safe and steady platform...